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See Faith

Lori Koch

Joshua 1:9 NIV: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

GIGS Journal Entry: Faith is usually felt not seen. But I have seen faith in the eyes of my sister-in-law. Though grief had taken over her emotions, faith was in her heart and shown through her eyes. She knew the moment my brother was in heaven and no longer here with her on earth. She felt it in her heart, his joy and heavenly reward. That faith shone through with such confidence that not only could I feel it, but I was able to see it.

Now she needs to lean on her faith to be strong and courageous. She will need to find the faith that will make her brave. So then her fear and worry do not overtake her. Only her faith can get her through. But I know she has that strong of faith, because I saw it.

Prayer: Lord, help my sister-in-law lean on her faith to be courageous. Stop the human worry that fills her head. Support her with your presence each morning as she awakes and each night as she tries to sleep. Remind her of that strong faith I witnessed within her. Help her not to be discouraged and keep her safe.

Reflection: Where do you seen faith besides in the eyes of a person grieving? What other emotions have you seen?


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